Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sorry for all of the delayed posts. I haven't been feeling like myself lately :(  The past few days I have been feeling very naseous. My medicine stopped working and I'm highly frustrated. To top it off, I have really bad cramps. Which led me to the ER today. The doctors have been watching a cyst on my left ovary since before I got pregnant. Well, at first it was doubling, now its HUGE (as the sono tech said today)  It's roughly the size of a small grapefruit or a large orange. It is double the size of the baby right now. I was absolutely heartbroken. I have been praying so hard it would go away and it keeps getting bigger by the week. My only option at this point is to possibly do a lap surgery during the 2nd trimester which starts first week in October. BUT, all these worries went away the moment I saw this little gummy bear bouncing around on the screen. Oh my goodness, my heart filled with so much joy. Baby has a great heartbeat and was waving its arms at us, almost waving. The sono tech was in stitches watching our dancing baby. <3

You can see a baby arm on the bottom of the sac. The head is left and body is right  Baby is waving!

I have been resting most of the day today. My parents came by and hung out to watch some KState football....I really needed some family time tonight.  Until I start feeling better my posts will be limited.
XOXO Love you all! <3

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Morning Sickness!!

Hey all!!! Hope everyone is having a great week. Mine has been very tiring! I've had one good day where I didn't feel sick at all. The rest were me collapsing in bed as soon as I got home with something light to settle my stomach so I didn't get sick. I am currently wearing SeaBands and they work somedays and others they don't. It's so frustrating most days and I really miss spending time with my boys. Nick and Caleb have been such big helpers for me. Rushing around making things for me that sound good and will agree with my stomach, house cleaning and laundry. I'm such a lucky girl! 

On Saturday afternoon we decided to do the Red Cabbage gender test. If it turns purpleish blue/green it's a girl and if it turns a pink/ red its a boy!  HA!! It was so much fun to see what would happen :D We have a sonogram again tomorrow to find a heart beat. As soon as we do, I can make this blog public and share with everyone! Hope everyones weekend was awesome! Thanks for following!! <3


 That is all I can really say at this point. We have been waiting almost a year for this! 
We suffered a miscarriage last August and it took a year but we finally got a positive reading this time.  I called the doctor last Monday and they set me up an appointment for the 20th of August but wanted me in that day to check my levels. They had me at 1600 and they needed it to double within 48 hours. The next day I went in for a sono since at this point I was called "High Risk". I got to see the fluid filled sac and they told me I had a delivery date of April 18, 2013. The next day my levels were at 5800 so they more than doubled! They were so excited for us they sent us in for another sonogram today to check for heart beat. None yet but we did get to see a yolk sac and a pole. We were THRILLED!!  I just adore the doctor office I go to and all of the love they have shown us. Just wanted to share our news with everyone! I'll keep updating when possible! XOXO!