Hey all!!! Hope everyone is having a great week. Mine has been very tiring! I've had one good day where I didn't feel sick at all. The rest were me collapsing in bed as soon as I got home with something light to settle my stomach so I didn't get sick. I am currently wearing SeaBands and they work somedays and others they don't. It's so frustrating most days and I really miss spending time with my boys. Nick and Caleb have been such big helpers for me. Rushing around making things for me that sound good and will agree with my stomach, house cleaning and laundry. I'm such a lucky girl!
On Saturday afternoon we decided to do the Red Cabbage gender test. If it turns purpleish blue/green it's a girl and if it turns a pink/ red its a boy! HA!! It was so much fun to see what would happen :D We have a sonogram again tomorrow to find a heart beat. As soon as we do, I can make this blog public and share with everyone! Hope everyones weekend was awesome! Thanks for following!! <3
Sorry you're having such a rough time with the morning sickness. A good friend once told me, every time her head was in the toilet she was secretly grateful because it meant she was really pregnant and that her baby was growing. Good perspective! I love you and am so happy to finally be able to follow your blog!!
ReplyDeleteI have heard the same thing! I hope to feel better soon!! I love you too Les and I'm glad to have you following! XOXO!